Monday, January 14, 2013

Hello My Loves,

I am so tired today and I have no idea why. The Doc has me trying a new dosage of meds for my low acting Thyroid....Thyroid issues are such a roller coaster ride of emotions and levels of annoys me to no end. While I am thankful that I don't have other more fatal issues....I still suffer. I find it difficult to function somedays. Just getting out of bed is a chore for me. Then I feel quilty because I know there are so many more out there that have it so much worse than me. I am trying to get to this blog everyday...but I am finding it hard for some reason. Today it seems as if everything bothers me. I am bothered by my own self and it seems as if everthing is twice as hard as it needs to be.!!! I am filled with frustration about so many things and so many emotions. One of the things I love to do the most is write (when I am not racing of course) and it seems  that is even a chore these days.

My Christmas decorations are still up and I so need to put them away. I guess I am delaying the process because they are comforting to me. They bring a feeling of peace and calmness to me. The beautiful lights and treasured ornaments from years gone by ..the newest ones that have memories already and thinking of the ones to come! Christmas Time is my favorite season and it just holds so many wonderful memories....people seem more loving, caring and happy during this time (YES there are still the scrooges out there)...but for the most part they seem to be out numbered . More important is that we are celebrating the birth of our savior..Jesus. ...No it isn't the actual date of his birth.but it is the date that it is celebrated so that is what I do.

Tomorrow is the day I have decided to put away all decorations along with my sons help we will get it done!...GET R DONE as Larry the cable Guy would say!...speaking of which....he makes me laugh so hard I swear I almost pee in my pants...I don't yet...but I am getting older I should think about some depends.....NO I don't think so ..wouldn't it be way better to wet my pants and then tell my best friend..cause you know what she would laugh so hard that she would pee in hers too!!!!...I can just see that would have to know both of us to get the true humor in this!!!! Way funny I tell you.

I think writing is good for the soul..I have smiled for the first time today writing this...I am sure some English teacher/professor somewhere is gonna need therapy after reading my blogs because of all the grammatical errors...thats ok..cause I am just me and if some of you are laughing...complaining...etc..then I have done my any rate I feel better!...Here is your cup of tea...nice and warm because it is 19 degrees at my home today....sit back and enjoy our little chat by the fire..stay as long as you want.

Have a good laugh on's all good!
Til Tomorrow...

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